This function is not available until you register. This document can not be opened or printed by Mac CallerID©. An error has occurred - write permission error. (Error -61) An error has occurred - bad master directory block (Error -60) An error has occurred - File system internal error: during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored (Error -59) An error has occurred - external file system error. (Error -58) An error has occurred - Not a Mac diskette (Error -57) An error has occurred - No such drive (Error -56) An error has occurred - Drive volume already on-line at MountVol (Error -55) An error has occurred - Software lock on file (Error -54) An error has occurred - volume is not on line (-53) An error has occurred - Get file position error (Error -52) An error has occurred - invalid volume reference number. (Error -51) An error has occurred - Error in parameter list (Error -50) An error has occurred - File already open with write permission (Error -49) An error has occurred - Duplicate filename (Rename); File found instead of folder (Error -48) An error has occurred - file is busy (-47) An error has occurred - volume is locked. (Error -46) An error has occurred - the file is locked. (Error -45) An error has occurred - diskette is write-protected. (Error -44) An error has occurred - file not found (-43) An error has occurred - Too many files are open (Error -42) An error has occurred - There is not enough memory available to open this file (Error -41) An error has occurred - Tried to position to before the start of the file (Error -40) An error has occurred - End of file has been reached (Error -39) An error has occurred - file not open. (Error -38) An error has occurred - invalid or bad filename. (Error -37) An error has occurred - I/O error (-36) An error has occurred - no such volume (-35) Unable to save file - the disk is full. (Error -34) An error has occurred - the directory is full. (Error -33)